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Bunyan Striker Roller Screed Petrol

Stock Code: BSHYD

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The Bunyan Striker Roller screed is a hydraulically powered machine which fits a steel spinning tube that levels concrete for flat slabs and slopes.

The Bunyan Striker cuts elevation and compresses the concrete at the same time. As it presses downward and forward, material is either swept forward or pressed down to elevation.

The Bunyan Striker roller screed system is robust enough to spin full diameter, full length tubes that other smaller roller screed manufacturers can’t compete with anywhere between 2.0m to 10.5m can be handled. Please feel free to make contact for prices. Bunyan Strikers are also available to hire out which is a fantastic way to test the equipment before making a purchasing decision.

 Bunyan Strikers are compatible with square end tubes.

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Bunyan Roller Striker

Once in a generation there is a tool that comes along which revolutionises the way jobs are done. The Bunyan Striker is one of those tools. Overnight it transformed the way concrete slabs were laid down.

A hydraulically powered spinning tube pulled in the opposite direction cuts the concrete surface thereby trimming high spots and filling low spots in a single pass. It does not vibrate and therefore leaves the major aggregate near the surface, which is perfect for high traffic and high load areas that demand a wear resistant slab.

Additional compaction through an internal vibrator is recommended to remove air pockets especially around form edges and corners.

The Bunyan striker is a versatile machine equally happy on slope work, conical tanks and high tolerance jobs. It really is a screed that can do the lot.

What will it do?

  • Helps to place concrete, as wells providing a finished level.
  • Leaves more major aggregates close to the surface for more dense, durable slab results.
  • Pass and re-pass. Grade flaws can be easily recognised and eliminated with the ability to re-pass over strike area at will.
  • Variety of bay widths. The Bunyan Striker offers the ultimate in flexibility, from tube lengths as short as 2.0m and strong enough to power unto 10m tubes.
  • Available in Petrol (Honda 4 stroke GX340) or Diesel (Kubota 0C95-E) powered options
  • Runs at 2250 psi and flows 25lts per minute