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Concrete Layers Bucket

Stock Code: CONBUCK

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A Bucket full of high quality Kraft tools for most concrete finishes. The bucket contains 12 Kraft concrete finishing tools. Please see the Concrete Layers Bucket contents on offer below.

Bucket Bag (WL104)
Bucket (GG468)
150mm x 75mm x 25mm Rub Brick 60 Grit
12" x 4" Blue Steel Cement Trowel
6" x 4" x 1/4" Blue Steel Hand Edger
150mm x 75mm x 25mm Rub Brick 20 Grit
400mm x 75mm Magnesium Hand Trowel Sq/Sq
400mm x 75mm Magnesium Hand Trowel Rnd/Rnd
Long Armed Acid Brush
Plastic Hand Float
14" x 5" Cement Trowel Sq/Sq)
Blue 'Right Angled' Texas Placer

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A selection of professional concrete tools used by the typical concrete finisher. The bucket contains 12 Kraft Concrete Finishing Tools, ranging from Rub Bricks and Hand Trowels, to Hand Edgers and Placers.

Create a variety of finishes with a selection of Kraft Tools

  • Various Tools of varying sizes.
  • Two different sized cement trowels
  • A Bucket and Bucket Bag to carry everything in
  • There are no file attachments for this product.
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