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Stock Code: MORM25kg

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MORTAR MIX is a versatile product that can be used for general concrete repair, stucco & plaster repair, one-coat exterior plaster, mortar beds, underlayments, and formed work.

MORTAR MIX is suitable for vertical, horizontal and overhead applications. Rapid Set MORTAR MIX is a high performance blend of Rapid Set hydraulic cement and quality mineral aggregates. MORTAR MIX is non-metallic and no chlorides are added. Rapid Set MORTAR MIX is similar in appearance to portland cement based mortars and may be applied using similar methods.

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Fast-setting Repair Product – high-strength, multipurpose, unique.

MORTAR MIX mixed with water produces a workable, high quality mortar that is ideal where rapid strength gain, high durability and low shrinkage are desired. Apply MORTAR MIX in thickness from 10 – 150 mm.
Durable in wet environments.

MORTAR MIX is a versatile product that can be used for general concrete repair, stucco & plaster repair, one-coat exterior plaster, mortar beds, underlayments, and formed work. MORTAR MIX is suitable for vertical, horizontal and overhead applications. Rapid Set MORTAR MIX is a high performance blend of Rapid Set hydraulic cement and quality mineral aggregates. MORTAR MIX is non-metallic and no chlorides are added. Rapid Set MORTAR MIX is similar in appearance to portland cement based mortars and may be applied using similar methods.


The use of MORTAR MIX reduces the CO2 footprint, increases the energy and resource efficiency and conserves natural resources. The production of Rapid Set cement generates 30 % less CO2 emissions than conventional Portland Cement. For further information (e.g. LEED values) contact KORODUR.

Download the Technical Data pdf by Clicking Here.

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