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Pans and Blades

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Power Float Consumables

While concrete floats are designed with durability in mind, they do need to be well-maintained and looked after.

Or alternatively, you might want to tailor your power float for a specific project.

Here at the Speedcrete website, we have a number of items designed to keep your equipment in top-notch condition and responsive to your needs.

Have a look at our range of products and see which ones suit you best.

Float Shoes

Great for use on overlappers and electric power trowels that struggle to perform with full steel pans, this steel product is a good alternative pan that offers a superior finish and increased production.

Get in touch with us if you want a free trial before making a purchase.

Power Trowel Combination Blades

These replacement power trowel combination blades will work with all the major brands of power trowel, including Allen, Barikell, Bartell and Whiteman.

Power Trowel Finish Blades

More replacement blades for your power trowel, that have the added bonus of being reversible, thus doubling their life expectancy.

They can be used with all the main types of power trowel, including products from Allen, Whiteman, Marshalltown and Morrison, as well as Barikell and Bartell.

Power Trowel Pans

If you need to replace the power trowel pan on your concrete power float, just look right here.

It fits all sizes of concrete power float, allowing you to keep your machine up and running with no effort at all.

All the listed products are available here at the Speedcrete website, so if you are interested, either get in touch or buy through our website.

Further details on all the displayed items are available here, including technical specifications, prices and photographs.