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Eco Surface Concrete Retarder

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Most Concrete Professionals looking to produce and exposed aggregate do so by spraying a chemical onto the slab surface immediately after placing and finishing. This delays the set and gives them the flexibility to remove the cement paste up to a day or so later, either by scrubbing or pressure washing.

The flexibility or using chemicals can be important when seeking consistant results on large jobs or during hot weather.

Eco Surface Retarder is an aqueous solution of penetrating and retarding agent acting as a top face retarder, it has been formulated to retard but not kill the set of freshly placed top face concrete that it comes into contact with.

Suitable for either sprayer watering can application. It retards the set of the surface cement matrix of freshly cast concrete for easy removal.

What is Exposed Aggregate? Exposed aggregate is a type of decorative concrete. Created by removing the cement’s top layer to expose the underlying aggregate, it’s a very durable material that boasts a raw, natural look.



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Stain Free suitable for white and standard OPC
Enivronmentally and user Friendly
Alleviates need for labour intensive hacking
Contact with reinforcement will not prevent bond to concrete
Used to create exposed aggregate finish for decorative or 'keying in' work


Apply uniformly by low pressure spray or fine spray watering can in temperatures above freezing to top face of freshly placed concrete immediately after completion of placing and compaction. An excess of surface water due to bleeding of an over-wet mix will hinder penetration of retarder, therefore any excess water should be removed before treatment. After treatment protect from exposure to wind or early applied heat as this may evaporate the retarder carrier before it has sufficiently penetrated the concrete surface. Any absorbent material covering the concrete, such as hessian, should not come into contact with the Safetard Liquid as this will soak up the retarder preventing penetration into the concrete surface. On thick sections and in warmer temperatures a second application should be made on the same working day.


A coverage of approximately 3-5 m2 per litre will generally be sufficient but in instances where the concrete mix is very dry and the material is immediately absorbed a heavier coating will be required so that a light residue remains on the surface.

Removal of retarded matrix

Remove by low pressure water jetting and/or brooming or wire brushing in two directions at right angles to each other. Under general conditions this should be done early on the day after placing but if this is not possible a further application should be made at the recommended rate as soon as possible on the day after placing.


Protect from Frost but if the material should freeze in the container then lightly agitate the container after thawing to ensure thorough remixing.

Any absorbent covering to the concrete should not come into contact with treated face.
Retardation time is dependent on many factors so check for optimum time for removal of cement matrix.
Remove retarded matrix by low pressure water-jetting, brooming or wire brushing in two directions at right angles to each other.


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