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Exima Dowel Plates 10 pack

Stock Code: EX10

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The Exima Dowel Plate System is designed to allow 2-way movement in a slab, while maintaining load transfer across a joint. 

Exima joints are placed as rhombus (or diamond). This allows the horizontal movement of the concrete in two directions, movement induced by drying shrinkage of concrete, or thermal changes. However, Exima will restrict vertical movement allowing Engineers to calculate load transfers across the joint. Where load transfer is critical, such as where the joint may be heavily trafficed, Exima provides a superior solution compared to traditional dowel bars.

This system represents a massive cost reduction in comparison to the old method of adding dowel bars as the Exima Dowel Plates are less expensive per unit.

Pack Quantity: 10


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Easy to install, each Exima joint is supplied with a bespoke dowel sleeve which is simple fixed to the formwork. Concrete can then be poured. After stripping the formwork the Exima Dowel Plate can be easily slotted into place prior to the second pour commencing.

By adopting Exima Dowel Plates, the risk of misaligned dowel bars and locked joints associated with traditional round bars is eliminated.

For further information on Exima or how Speedcrete can provide detailed design solutions for the load transfer at the joint.


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