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Laser Staff Concrete Levelling tool

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These Laser Staffs aluminium levelling rods (choose from three base sizes) are primarily used to take precise height readings at the point of contact with a Laser Level's beam.

The laser staff is fitted with a receiver making particularly useful for to ensure the concrete is level at various pre-determined reference points on the slab.

Spot reading as the concrete is poured and placed is an important part of the process, especially when using a free screeding method which involves such levelling tools as the Multivibe which is a vibratory level.







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A Laser Staff is used typically in conjunction with the multivibe free screeding method of levelling the floor. Use with a surveying laser to take spot level readings in grid patterns before passing free screeder over the concrete surface.



  • Manufactured in aluminium. Shown with receiver - NOT INCLUDED.


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