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Magnesium Hand Trowels Square-Square

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A selection of sizes Magnesium Hand Trowels Square End.

These extruded magnesium hand floats are designed for superb floating action on concrete and cement. The tough Extru-Lite™ Magnesium blade features beveled edges and smooth slightly rounded corners to produce the perfect "broken-in" feel.

The square ends float all the way to the form works corners. Durable and lightweight, these smooth magnesium blades open up the pores on the surface to allow proper evaporation. A painted finish protects the blade in transport.

The ProForm® soft grip handle is precisely positioned to give the float perfect balance for professional floating with less fatigue. Kraft Tool's signature hand float with patented ProForm® soft grip handle.









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Here at the Speedcrete website, we have three different magnesium hand trowels for you to choose from.

The smallest one measures 500mm x 75mm (20" x 3.5"), while the others come in at 450 mm x 75mm (18" x 3.5") and 400mm x 75mm (16" x 3.5") respectively.

See which one you think will work best for you.


  • A lightweight and durable concrete trowel manufactured in magnesium.
  • Hugely popular concrete hand trowel with industry professionals
  • Powder coated concrete trowel blade means easy cleanup
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