Concrete tool users may be interested to know that a new directive has been approved by the European Parliament with regards to the energy efficiency of buildings.

According to the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (Rics), the new regulation will both help consumers to cut the cost of heating properties and aid the European Union in hitting its climate change target.

The built environment and the construction industry are the largest producers of pollution and the organisation believes it is important that the European Union ensures the member states are becoming more environmentally friendly.

Under the new directive, each country is required to update its building codes so that all construction work beginning from the end of 2020 will have high ecological standards, including the use of renewable energy.

Public buildings are intended to lead by example and must be nearly zero-carbon two years ahead of other properties.

A move by the UK government to increase the energy efficiency of its department buildings was welcomed by the UK Green Building council recently, however the organisation felt that the measures should now be rolled out nationally.

Posted by Jonathan Gordon.