As the clocks go back on Sunday, October 31st, more home improvement enthusiasts might want to invest in concrete frost blankets to allow them to continue working on landscaping the garden and getting some all-important winter sun.

Bridget O'Connell, head of information at mental health charity Mind, warns that some people react badly to the change in time - and the change in light levels that typically accompanies it.

She advises finding exercise wherever possible, even if it means working out indoors, in order to enjoy the boost to mood that comes with it.

"If you find that you are feeling down as the clocks go back it is even more important to seek out some daylight outdoors," she adds.

Laying a new patio or the foundations for decking could be one way to do this, while the garden is perhaps seeing less use than in the summer months; concrete frost blankets can help to make sure any cement laid sets as intended and does not simply freeze.

Posted by Jude Whitehouse