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Outrigger Sets
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Outriggers are typically used by concrete professionals to stabilise concrete floating tools such as Channel Radius floats and Bump Cutters which are wider than 8ft.
Stainless steel outriggers and braces set for channel floats or concrete bump cutters. These outriggers increase float rigidity to provide a more accurate surface tolerance. Recommended on floats above 8ft, these are typically used where concrete floor tolerances are critical.
The outriggers come complete with a lock collar for attachment to aluminum snap handles (not supplied).
The outrigger set can be used on channel floats with the use of the clevis pin and yoke to attach to the float. For the bump cutter please order the outer stay bracket to attach the outriggers to the float. In both cases you will require 2 no's of each type of bracket for a set.
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