Siteclean 25ltr
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Siteseal is a blend of inorganic acids for the removal of mortar splashes from brickwork, patios and is used to remove rust from a wide range of surfaces. This product can also be supplied in 5ltr quantities.
- Removal of concrete and mortar splashes from brickwork and equipments.
- Removal of mortar stains and efflorescence from masonry.
- Removal of rust stains from concrete surfaces.
- Removal of rust and scale from metal components.
- Etching of concrete surfaces to prepare for subsequent treatment.
- Final washing to expose aggregate panels.
Cleaning of brickwork:
For removal of mortar splashes, saturate the area with water and apply the Siteclean neat, then lightly brush and rinse with water.
Heavy mortar deposits may require repeated application of Siteclean.
Removal of rust, concrete or mortar splashes from hardware:
Where possible immerse item in a 50/50 solution of Siteclean and cold water in a plastic or plastic lined tank, having checked first that the item is compatible with the use of Siteclean. Slight agitation in the tank is beneficial.
After a period of use the efficiency of the solution will be reduced but can be restored by adding neat Siteclean.
On removal from tank, rinse the item with water. Where it is not possible to immerse the hardware, remove rust or mortar by a brush application of neat Siteclean followed if neccessary by a light wire brushing. Rinse thoroughly with water.
Etching of concrete surfaces:
Uniformly apply neat Siteclean to the surface and scrub lightly with a hard brush to aid removal of laitance. On very absorbent surfaces dampen down with clean water before applying the Siteclean.
Thoroughly rinse the treated area after about ten minutes ensuring the area does not dry out before rinsing.
The treatment may be repeated where required. If in doubt in regards to the quality required for a given finish then we recommend a small trial in an inconpicuous area.
Colour: Clear
Packaging: 5 or 25 litre containers.
Storage: Container should be tightly sealed after use to prevent evaporation. Store away from reactive materials.
Shelf Life: 1 year in sealed container when stored as recommended.
Important Note
Whilst all reasonable care is taken in compiling technical data on the company’s products, all recommendations or suggestions regarding the use of such products are made without guarantee, since the conditions of use are beyond the control of the company. It is the reasponsibility of the customer to satisfy ones self that each product is fit for purpose for which is the intended use, that the actual conditions of use are suitable, and that in the light of our continual research and development programme the information relating to each product has not been superseded.
Always Test a small area (minimum 4-ft x 4-ft) of each surface to confirm suitability and desired results before beginning overall application. Test each type of masonry and each type of stain. Ensure you test with the same equipment, recommended surface preparation and application procedures planned for general application. Let test area dry 3–5 days before inspection and approval. Ensure the test panel is available for comparison throughout the cleaning project.