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Square Stirrup Screed Chairs

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These square stirrup screed chairs are used to create a temporary support for a screed rail during slab construction.

These robust stirrups are made from steel and are purchased as two parts which fit together. These screed chairs can be adjusted in height by simply twisting to fine tune to the required level.

We have made available three sizes to choose from to suit various slab depths:

SC1S can be adjusted between 120mm and 150mm.

SC2S can be adjusted between 150mm and 200mm.

SC3S can be adjusted between 200mm and 300mm.

Custom dimensions can be made upon request with advance notice.







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Screed chairs are used to create a temporary support for a screed rail during slab construction.

The screed chairs can be used support scaffold tube or box section to create the screed rail to run your screed on. Typically used to create a support for a roller striker when finishing large slabs in one pour. </p.

It is recommended to place the chairs approximately every 2 meters to enable sufficient support of the screeding machine.

Once the concrete has been levelling the screed rail can be removed. The top section of the chair is then unscrewed and surface is finished with a hand trowel.

The solid 'fingered' base provides an accurate and level support that will support large screeds such as roller strikers & Razorbacks

The Square Stirrup screed chairs feature a square support so that can be used with box section screed rail

Thread Adjustment Min Slab Thickness Max Slab Thickness
30mm 120mm 150mm
50mm 150mm 200mm
100mm 200mm 300mm
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