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Concrete Levelling Machine Colibri’ Hydro UFO 60cm Diameter

Stock Code: COL600H

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COLIBRI’ UFO60 Hydro (600mm, 24" diameter) is used for finishing semi-dry concrete floor surfaces. Specially designed for levelling and smoothing concrete surfaces such as industrial floors, garages, cellars, vaults, corridors and any other surface with reduced operating space.
The Colibri UFO can be driven easily around the conrete surface 'one handed' thanks to the lightness of the float and easy to use steering wheel. This means that this concrete finishing float does not transmit vibration to the operator, in fact you can work this float around at your fingertips without the slightest fatigue. Connect this devise to different lengths by using snap handles available as spares.

This hydro model has its own water reservoir. The water tank is fitted with a valve/tap to release whatever drip feed of water you may require on certain jobs.

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The Colibri UFO 60 Hydro can be easily handled by one person and even moved into the back of a utility vehicle thanks to the lightness of 22kg. This machine makes easy progress in tight conditions as the handling is so reactive it can be operated with only one hand. The extreme lightness of the Colibri UFO means you can get on the concrete earlier than heavier equipment which can reduce work time. 

Machine body weight: 22kg
Maximum size: 0.60x 3.80 x 0.5m
Minimum size:  0.60 x 1.65 x 0.5m
Engine brand: Honda GX35
Fuel capacity: 0.65ltr
Engine rating speed: 5000 rpm
Maximum power: 8000 rpm
Water tank capacity: 3ltr

Acoustic presure level: Lpa av 84dBA
Acoustic power level: Lpa av 100dBA

Vibration level: <2.5 m/s2

Disc rotation speed: 0-200 min -1

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